Sailor Moon Wiki
Sailor Moon Wiki

Yasha is a Youma who works for Zoisite. In episode 23, she does not seem to be the main antagonist of the episode, as most of the other monsters are, but rather Nephrite himself. Her mission is to spy on Nephrite and obtain the Silver Crystal.


Yasha initially has the appearance of a traditional Japanese woman with long hair, wearing a traditional Japanese mask and robe. Yasha's face in human form is never shown. When the mask is broken, she reveals her true form: a hideous demon with large horns. Her horns are capable of expanding slightly and spinning like drill bits.

Nomenclature and Etymology[]

"Yasha" means demon in Japanese.


During episode 23, Zoisite worried that Nephrite would obtain the Silver Crystal first, so Kunzite suggested they send Yasha to spy on him and ambush him if he obtains it. She disappears for the majority of the episode until later.

Later, while she is spying on Nephrite, he fights the Sailor Guardians and is at a disadvantage. Sailor Moon is about to kill him with her tiara when Naru jumps in front of him to protect him, forcing Sailor Moon to stop the attack. Naru's pure feelings of love for Nephrite make the Black Crystal respond to her energy; Yasha mistakes the Black Crystal for the Silver Crystal and ambushes him.

The Black Crystal falls to the ground and rolls to Naru, who picks it up. Yasha lunges at her demanding she gives her the crystal. Nephrite then attacks Yasha, breaking her mask. Though everyone is shocked (even Nephrite), Yasha is infuriated that Nephrite would betray the Dark Kingdom and defend a human. She reveals her true form and attempts to kill him with her horns, but is instead killed by Sailor Moon's Moon Tiara Action.


  • Her mask is seen in the first opening in a photo in the dub.
  • She is one of the only monsters-of-the-day to attack another member of her organization. She is also the only Youma to do so; consequently, this makes Nephrite the only character to help defeat one of his own organization's monsters-of-the-day.
  • She is one of few Youma of the Dark Kingdom not sent to gather energy or attack the Sailor Senshi. The others are the plant sisters.


Dark Kingdom Wording