Sailor Moon Wiki
Sailor Moon Wiki

Viluy is a member of the Witches 5.

Nomenclature & Etymology


Viluy's name comes from the word "viluite", which is one of the names for the silicate mineral wiluite.

The kanji in Viluy's alias surname translates to "beauty" (美) and either "temple", "shrine" or "hall" (堂). Her given name, Yui (ゆい), is written in hiragana, and thus, can have multiple meanings such as "only", "reason", "tie/knot" or "think".

Viluy might be based on Vili, another of the Norse gods; he was one of Odin’s brothers and was responsible for giving a reason to the newly created humans. This would fit with Viluy’s scientific orientation, and the Norse root might help explain the snowflake motif in her costume.

Old Norse Vili means "will". Old Norse  refers to a type of Germanic shrine; a vé.


Viluy's appearance is extremely similar to what she wore in the anime and manga, but she also wore a long-sleeved, dark blue mesh shirt underneath her dress in earlier musicals. In the newer musical, her outfit was more faithful to the manga and anime.


Viluy appeared in the musical Mugen Gakuen - Mistress Labyrinth and its revised edition. She was apparently known as a scientific researcher in the musicals, as she was instantly recognized by Ami as the famous Yui Bidou.


Attacks and Weapons


