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VesVes is the youngest member of the Amazoness Quartet and works for the Dead Moon Circus.

Nomenclature & Etymology[]

The name Vesta can have its roots in multiple words, such as the Gaelic Celtic visc (fire) or the greek analogous goddess Hestia (stove). But all these words and meanings link the name to the Roman goddess of hearth, home and family.


VesVes is the tallest of the quartet (however she is the youngest and may be the same height as CereCere). She has tan skin and red eyes. Her hair is red, and is pulled into a long and high ponytail by four gold hair bands and a long black band.

VesVes wears a black string bikini with red trim tied to a black collar at her neck. Atop her shoulders are two white shoulder pads with two spikes on each one. Her bikini bottoms have a transparent light pink skirt and light red leggings extending from them. VesVes also wears a gold crown with three red jewels, black bracelets with red trim, red wedge sandals, and extremely large gold rounded earrings with a red-hanged jewel.


She was one of the members of Amazoness Quartet, who were residents of a jungle who awoke Queen Nehelenia as they were playing. As thanks for awakening her, Queen Nehelenia gave them the power to dream forever and always stay young, and gave them each an Amazon Stone to symbolize that power; VesVes had a red Amazon Stone. In her first appearance, VesVes tried to attack Zirconia with her Amazon Stone, targeted Momoko Momohara for her dream mirror and released her first lemures.

VesVes mostly went after dream mirrors and summoned animal-themed lemures.

Later in the season, when the Sailor Guardians reached them at the circus tent, Queen Nehelenia gave them more strong powers in their Amazon Stones to defeat the Sailor Guardians. After Sailor Chibi Moon called on Pegasus, Sailor Moon nearly destroys them with Moon Gorgeous Meditation. However, Zirconia saved them and pulled out the Golden Mirror from Chibi Moon. Later, the girls attempt to ride Pegasus after capturing Chibi Moon. After Chibi Moon saves Pegasus from a fire, they get trapped in mirrors as a punishment. Afterwards, Zirconia summons them into the main room and drains them of their power. The Amazoness Quartet are eventually given the choice to either help the Sailor Guardians or stay young forever, and they chose to destroy their Amazon Stones and become adults. After Nehelenia leaves Earth, the Quartet decide to leave, saying that they might see the Sailor Guardians again someday.


As was characteristic of all four members of the Amazoness Quartet, VesVes used her Amazon Stone to perform attacks and magical commands.


  • Orb Shot - This attack was used to remove a person's Dream Mirror.
  • Orb Attack - This attack was first used against Zirconia.
  • Sealing Orb - This command was used to block Super Sailor Venus' light attack.
  • Natto Orb - This command created a sticky substance which would impede her target (natto is a sticky and slimy Japanese food).
  • Peeking Orb - By combining the Amazon Stone with a telescope, the Amazoness Quartet could spy on Queen Nehelenia.
  • See-Through Orb - This command was used to view things from a distance. The only time it was used in the anime, it was used to watch Zirconia fighting against the Super Sailor Senshi.




  • She has used her Amazon Stone the second most, with a total of six times in the anime.
  • She is the beast tamer at the Dead Moon Circus, and her powers consist of that, but some are powers of miscellaneous things.
