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U-Ikasaman was a Daimon created by Mimete. Her creation also caused a dimensional rift in the Tomoe household, something not anticipated by Mimete. She was not assigned to steal anyone's Pure Heart Crystal, but instead trapped the Sailor Senshi in an alternate dimension and gambled with them to return them home.


Her name "Ikasaman" in several languages translates to either "trickery", "fraud", "deception", "counterfeit", or "cheat."


When Professor Tomoe decided to make the ultimate Daimon, Mimete lost confidence in this and tricked him into leaving the house. After he left, Mimete crammed as many games as possible into the oven in hopes of making a better Daimon. However, this caused the Oven to overload and created U-Ikasaman, who warped the Tomoe residence and connected it to a warped dimension with Chibiusa and Hotaru still inside the house.

If left unchecked, the rift would disintegrate the house completely including everyone inside. The Sailor Guardians teleported in and, after wandering around lost, confronted U-Ikasaman, who told them she'd let them leave if they beat her at a game, refusing to fight as she claimed to be a pacifist. Sailor Jupiter picked roulette, and would have won, except U-Ikasaman changed the number and trapped Sailor Jupiter. She beat Sailor Mars at Jenga by attaching a Jenga piece to a string to make it fall over, and beat Sailor Mercury at chess by blowing up one of her chess pieces. Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus raced her in an arcade racing game together, but she controlled their cars to make them collide. The Sailor Senshi who "lost" were all trapped inside glass playing cards.

It seemed like they would remain trapped forever when Chibiusa and Hotaru challenged her to a game of cards. U-Ikasaman was unable to cheat at this one, and underestimated Chibiusa and lost. She challenged Hotaru to Old Maid, in which she'd win if she picked the Ace of Hearts, but lose if she picked the Joker. However, with encouragement from the Sailor Senshi, Hotaru was able to ignore U-Ikasaman's words of trickery and pick the Ace of Hearts. However, U-Ikasaman refused to keep her promise and tried to keep them trapped.

Chibiusa transformed into Sailor Chibi Moon (unseen by Hotaru, who had passed out) and used Pink Sugar Heart Attack, which missed but broke Sailor Moon free. Sailor Moon then transformed into Super Sailor Moon and destroyed U-Ikasaman with Rainbow Moon Heartache, freeing the house from the dimensional rift. 


U-Ikasaman had the power to control the dimensional rift in the house, and even claimed that she could send the Sailor Guardians into another dimension if they did not play her games with her. She also used her powers to cheat the Sailor Guardians into losing.


  • U-Ikasaman is among the Daimons that appear in Sailor Moon: Another Story.
  • U-Ikasaman is the first Monster-of-the-Week that was not assigned a mission by her organization, the next will be Sailor Artist.
  • She and Shufflefuruo share a lot of similarities. The both resemble playing card royalty, card games are their specialty, and both are master card dealers.
  • Her appearance (particularly, her face) is reminiscent of the traditional appearance and pose of the Queen in a set of playing cards.
  • She is the second Daimon in the series to be a pacifist, the first being Doorknobder.

