"The Mysterious Sleeping Sickness: Protect the Girls in Love" is the 3rd episode of the 1st season of the Sailor Moon anime and the 3rd episode overall. It aired in Japan on March 21, 1992. The DiC English dub title for this episode is "Talk Radio" and it aired in Canada on August 29, 1995, and then in North America on September 12, 1995.
All the girls in town are tuning in to the late-night radio program called "Midnight Zero" that reads out love letters sent in by the listeners. Meanwhile, a strange sleeping sickness is plaguing the town, causing people to fall into a coma-like state, including Ms. Haruna and Naru.
Naru, Usagi, and Ms. Haruna listen to a midnight radio program called "Midnight Zero”. It reads out love letters to listeners on their program. A competition is announced for the best love letters; if they are read out loud on the radio, the writer will receive a flower brooch. The host, J-Daito, reads aloud the letter of Haruna. Luna urges her to sleep as she has school the next day.
Usagi arrives late for school, bracing to be yelled at by her teacher. Ms. Haruna shows up late, wearing a flower brooch and appearing abnormally sleepy. The class wonders what happened when the ambulance comes, escorting her while asleep on a stretcher. Naru tells Usagi and Umino that she heard there’s a disease going around that causes eternal sleep. Despite her friends being scared, Usagi finds it nice to spend your whole life dreaming.
A bunch of letters addressed to "Midnight Zero" are delivered to FM No. 10, leaving the employees confused as no such program exists. A mysterious woman appears and takes the letters.
After school, Naru speaks to Usagi about how she’s been writing love letters to future boyfriends she makes up. Usagi wonders about her future boyfriend and bumps into Mamoru, falling over. Usagi, in haste, apologizes to a nearby telephone pole, which he makes fun of her before walking off.
Usagi’s in her bedroom trying to think up a love letter. Luna says that love letters are meaningless unless they’re given directly. Usagi tries to write one, but finds it too difficult as she doesn't have a boyfriend. She ignores Luna's feedback and decides to meet with the host of Midnight Zero, J-Daito to ask for advice. At FM No. 10‘s Studio, Usagi is told by a security guard that no such program exists and is sent away.
That night, Usagi tunes into Midnight Zero that’s still airing as J-daito is shown recording himself. She concludes the security guard lied to her and Luna reads out a newspaper schedule that says a different program is supposed to be airing. Naru’s love letter is read out loud over the air.
The next day at school, Naru opens her flower brooch and is immediately drained of energy after donning it, causing her to fall asleep. Usagi attempts to wake her up but is also affected by it and falls asleep. Usagi has a dream that Tuxedo Mask is her future boyfriend and asks to see his face. Suddenly, she is woken up by Luna in the nurses office. Jadeite praises Furau for her creativity in coming up with the idea that she should target vulnerable girls in love.
Usagi and Luna go to investigate but have trouble getting into the radio station. Luna gives Usagi the Disguise Pen and she changes herself into a gorgeous newscaster, sneaking in. Jadeite starts streaming "Midnight Zero" as she swoons over how attractive he is. All the employees are passed out on the floor as Jadeite has taken over completely. She confronts Jadeite and shouts out on the radio a warning that the flower brooches are dangerous. She also states love letters are meaningless unless presented to the person they're meant for.
Furau bursts through the glass of the studio in her true form, and attacks her, their plan ruined. Usagi transforms into Sailor Moon and confronts Jadeite about his true identity, when Furau shoots more beams from her mouth. Sailor Moon jumps up to the roof and barely dodges the attacks. Luna encourages her to use Moon Tiara Action, which destroys the Youma. Sailor Moon uses her tiara against Jadeite, though he puts it to a halt with his telekinetic powers. As Jadeite menacingly walks over to Sailor Moon, a red rose is thrown at Jadeite, causing him to retreat.
The next day at school, Usagi writes a love letter to Tuxedo Mask which Naru snatches playfully. Usagi tries to get it back as Ms. Haruna joins in the chase too.
International Dub Titles[]
- Brazilian Portuguese: Salvem as Garotas Apaixonadas ("Save The Girls In Love")
- Latin America Spanish: Salven a las chicas enamoradas ("Save The Girls In Love")
- European Portuguese: Salvem as Raparigas Apaixonadas ("Save the Girls in Love")
- European Spanish: Salvad a las chicas enamoradas ("Save the Girls in Love")
- French
- TV: Le grand amour ("The Big Love")
- DVD: L’étrange maladie du sommeil ! Protège le cœur des jeunes filles ! ("The Strange Sleeping Sickness! Protect the Hearts of Young Girls!")
- German: Der Geheimsender ("The Secret Radio Station")
- Polish: Zakochane dziewczęta ("Girls in Love")
Changes from the Manga[]
- The Disguise Pen that Usagi gets is first shown in this episode, however, in the manga it doesn't appear until Act 2 of the Manga, which is episode 8 of the anime. Additionally, in the manga, Usagi got the Disguise Pen from one of the machines at the video game center.
Dub Changes[]
- This episode was the second episode of both the Korean and English dubs.
- The DiC dub had a number of changes made.[1]
- The cold opening of Usagi introducing herself was cut (30 seconds cut)
- Luna looking starry-eyed at Motoki was cut (2 seconds cut)
- A scene of Usagi laying down on her paper and sighing was cut for time. (10 seconds cut)
- The scene in which Usagi has hearts in her eyes was cut. However, the scene also appeared in the Sailor Says segment. (3 seconds cut)
- Several other scenes were shortened. In all, 1 minute and 10 seconds were cut.
- "Midnight Zero" is renamed in the North American dub to "Love Line."
- The "Disguise Pen" is renamed in the North American dub to "Luna Pen."
- Usagi's disguise description changes from being a gorgeous newscaster to a sophisticated talent agent in the DiC dub.
- After Tuxedo Mask throws his rose and Jadeite leaves, Usagi says that the rose must have magical powers.
First Appearances[]
- This episode features the first time that Usagi meets Jadeite. It is also the first time she engages Jadeite in combat directly. Jadeite is also the first enemy in the series to be immune to Moon Tiara Action.
- This is also the first time Usagi uses Moon Tiara Action twice in one episode. This is also the first time an attack (in this case, Moon Tiara Action) is used without its stock footage animation.
- After Usagi slams down her notebook, a small sticker that bears a resemblance to Bugs Bunny's head can be seen on the top of the notebook.