Sailor Moon Wiki
Sailor Moon Wiki

The "Tau Star System" is the original home of the Death Busters.


Tau (τ) is the 19th character in the Greek alphabet.



It is a dying world ruled by Pharaoh 90 and where most members of his organization originate. They travel to Earth as eggs and are implanted in people and things to vesselize and grow from as they prepare to take over Earth and turn it into a new, second, Tau System.

In this world, Mistress 9 was Pharaoh 90's partner.

Manga and Crystal[]

It is first mentioned by name by Kaolinite in Act 29. Ami later sees a small Tau Star System in Mugen Academy when she is trialing as a student. Pharaoh 90 creates a much larger portal during the final battle which is sealed by Sailor Pluto's Dark Dome Close.


  • The name may be a reference to the Tau Ceti system which is home of the τ star which is only 12 light-years away from our solar system. It has been the subject of searches for extraterrestrial life and is featured in other works of fiction.[1]

