"Seiya and Usagi's Heart-Pounding Date" is the 15th episode of the 5th season of the Sailor Moon anime and the 181st of the overall series. It aired in Japan on July 20, 1996.
The Three Lights have a day off, so Seiya takes this opportunity to asks Usagi for a date. At Ginga TV, Sailor Iron Mouse has the last chance to find the true Star Seed.
International Dub Titles[]
- Brazilian Portuguese: Serena e Seiya Têm um Encontro Emocionante ("Serena and Seiya Have an Exciting Encounter")
- European Portuguese: O Fim da Sailor Iron Mouseǃ ("The End of Sailor Iron Mouseǃ")
- French:
- VOSTFR: Seiya et Usagi, le rendez-vous de tous les dangers ("Seiya and Usagi, the Meeting of All Dangers")
- VF: Aster et Bunny, le rendez-vous de tous les dangers ("Aster and Bunny, the Meeting of All Dangers")
- German: Das Ende von Sailor Iron Mouse ("The End of Sailor Iron Mouse")
- Polish: Koniec żelaznej myszy ("The end of the Iron Mouse.")
Changes from the Manga[]
- In the manga, Seiya and Usagi never had a date.
- Sailor Iron Mouse was killed by Sailor Star Healer.
Dub Changes[]
- In the Latin Spanish dub, the name of the movie Minako invites Taiki to watch with was changed to "El Amor de los Adultos es aventurero y apasionado" (Adult's Love is Adventurous and Passionate), which sounds more of a romantic movie. The original Japanese name was "Adults' Love XX", which seems to be an adult movie.
- Ami has a few lines after Usagi was asked for a date, but in the Latin Spanish dub, it was omitted.
- Although in the Latin Spanish dub that scene wasn't omitted nor the dialogue changed, in Argentina and other Latin American countries where the Latin Spanish dub was aired, the scene where Seiya seems to want a physical relationship with Usagi was cut completely.
- In the original Japanese dub before Sailor Iron Mouse's death, she does a riddle about horse chef and pig chef cooking tonkatsu, which is considered unanswerable. In the Viz dub, she does the Sphinx's Riddle from Oedipus Rex ("it walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening").
- This was the last appearance of Sailor Iron Mouse in the first anime.
- In Poland, the episode title also spoilers the ending plot of this episode.
- Haruka and Michiru were wearing the same shirt, but Michiru's was pink and Haruka's was blue.
- Whenever Sailor Iron Mouse's phone appeared, the third movement of Frédéric Chopin's Piano Sonata No. 2 played in the background. It is also commonly known as the "Funeral March" somewhat foretelling that Iron Mouse's punishment of death was drawing near.
- When the image of Three lights is shown on screen and Iron Mouse suggest to steal an seed from one of them, Friedrich Schiller's Ode to Joy is played
- During the montage of Seiya and Usagi's date, there is a ball in the elephant pen at the zoo that resembles the ball form of the Lemure Elephanko.
- In the Dub, Galaxia tells Sailor Iron Mouse she's failed her for the last time; which is a reference to Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.