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The Croatian logo of Sailor Moon.

"Mjesečeva Ratnica" (translation: Moon Warrior) is the Croatian translation for Sailor Moon.


Broadcast of Mjesečeva Ratnica started in July 2001 and aired for last time In 2004. The 1st season was broadcasted in its original Japanese language with Croatian subtitles but the other seasons were dubbed in Croatian. All 5 seasons aired on the Nova TV channel. The episodes of the series were broadcasted every Sunday on 20:05 Local time. Episode 89 was never dubbed In Croatian.

The series was broadcast in mid-2000s in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Televizija OBN.

Censorship and changes[]

The Makai Tree arc.(Episodes 47-59) of Sailor Moon R aired as part of the 1st season, and the 2nd season begins straight with the Black Moon Arc.

The Eternal Melody song of Sailor Moon R (Episode 54) appeared twice In the series, the second time was in Episode 192, instead of Route Venus the studio inserted the Eternal Melody song.



The main characters are left with their original Japanese names intact. The Senshi are referred to by their respective planet's name with "ratnica" added at the end, which means "warrior" but it can be translated as "soldier" too. As a group, the Sailor senshi are called "ratnice" or "ratnice u mornarskim odjelima." The names of the Senshi are as follows:

Original Name: Croatian Name:
Sailor Moon Mjesečeva ratnica (all forms)
Sailor Mercury Merkurova ratnica
Sailor Mars Marsova ratnica
Sailor Jupiter Jupiterova ratnica
Sailor Venus Venerina ratnica
Sailor Chibi Moon Ratnica Chibi Moon
Sailor Pluto Plutonova ratnica
Sailor Uranus Uranova ratnica
Sailor Neptune Neptunova ratnica
Sailor Saturn Saturnova ratnica
Sailor Star Fighter Zvjezdani borac
Sailor Star Healer Zvjezdani iscjelitelj
Sailor Star Maker Zvjezdani stvoritelj


Usagi's transformation phrases changed on each transformation. While Inner senshi's remained the same In all 3 form (Classic, Star & Crystal Power). Outer senhsi's transformations were like Inner senshi's. In group transformations they used "preobrazi nas" (translation: Transform us) instead of "Pojavi se".

  • Moon Prism Power, Make Up - moći Mjesečeve prizme, skupi se/pojavi se! (Moon Prism Power, Gather / Appear!)
  • Crisis, Make Up - Moći grala, pojavi se! (power of Grail, Appear)
  • Mercury Power Make Up - Merkurova moći, skupi se/pojavi se! (Mercury Power, Gather / Appear!)
  • Mars Power, Make Up - Marsova moći, skupi se/pojavi se! (Mars Power, Gather / Appear!)
  • Jupiter Power, Make Up - Jupiterova moći, skupi se/pojavi se! (Jupiter Power, Gather / Appear!)
  • Venus Power, Make Up - Venerina moći, skupi se/pojavi se! (Venus Power, Gather / Appear!)
  • Uranus Planet Power, Make Up - Uranova moći, pojavi se! (Uranus Power, Appear!)
  • Neptune Planet Power, Make Up - Neptunova moći, pojavi se! (Neptune Power, Appear!)
  • Pluto Planet Power, Make Up - Plutonova moći, pojavi se! (Pluto Power, Appear!)
  • Fighter Star Power, Make Up - Moći zvjezdanog borca, otvori se! (Power of Star Fighter, Open Up)
  • Healer Star Power, Make Up - Moći zvjezdanog iscjelitelja, otvori se! (The Power of Star Healer, Open Up)
  • Maker Star Power, Make Up - Moći zvjezdanog stvoritelja, otvori se! (Power of Star Creator, Open Up)


  • Boj Mjesečeve Tijare (Moon Tiara Action)
  • Rast Mjesečevog Liječenja (Moon Healing Escalation)
  • Rast Mjesečeve Princeze (Moon Princess Halation)
  • Moći ljubavi leti i pobijedi (Moon Spiral Heart Attack)
  • Moći svih vremena, nek se ljuban širi svuda (Rainbow Moon Heartache)
  • Moći ljubavi leti i pobijedi (Moon Gorgeous Meditation)
  • Sapunica (Shabon Spray)
  • Mekrur moći vode pobjedi (Mercury Aqua Rhapsody)
  • Duša Vatre (Fire Soul)
  • Nadmoćna Grmljavina (Supreme Thunder)
  • grome, leti (Sparkling Wide Pressure)
  • Sjaj Polumjeseca (Crescent Beam)
  • Venera, moći srca, pobjedi (Venus Love & Beauty Shock)
  • Uranu, leti (World Shaking)
  • Neptune, leti (Deep Submerge)
  • Plutone, leti (Dead Scream)
  • Zvjezdo ratnice, kanzi je (Star Serious Laser)
  • Zvijezdu ratnice, uništi ga (Star Sensitive Inferno)

Theme Song[]

Croatian: Reci čarobnu riječ I dobit ćeš moć Uzmi kristal i rasvijetli noć Ti možeš to U boj moraš poć Bori se ti sad protiv tame te Samo budi prevedna i dalje Ti možeš to Sile šalju te Ratnice, ratnice, ratnice Mjesečeva ratnice Kristale ti vidi gdje je sad Ratnice Mjesečeva ratnice. 

English: Say the magical word. And you'll get the power. Take the crystal and illuminate the night. You can do it. To battle you have to go. Fight now against the darkness. Just keep on being just. You can do it. The forces are sending you Sailor, Sailor, Sailor Sailor Moon Crystal, see where is (she) now. Sailor Sailor Moon.

Opening, Ending & title cards Sequences[]

The Croatian intro for the first episodes of the series was shown by 80% Instrumental, This means that the Japanese version of Moonlight Densetsu could still be heard In the background. On the rest of the episodes of season 1 the intro was shown completely instrumental. Then on episodes 47-200 the German Intro was shown dubbed In Croatian.

The ending sequence on first season was shown Instrumental. on Seasons 2-5, the German Intro was dubbed In Croatian.

Title cards of season 1 were subtitled In Croatian, on the rest seasons the title card was written In Croatian and the voice actress of Usagi shouted the title of the episode.


  • Sometimes In Season 1 the subtitles weren't synchronised with the characters' speech.
  • The Croatian dub took Script & Censorship from the German dub while season 1 from the Japanese version of the anime.
  • Croatia was one of the few countries to buy the expensive rights for the dub (36.000$ and the broadcasting rights: 216.000.000$)