Sailor Lead Crow is the third of the Sailor Animamates to be introduced, along with Sailor Aluminum Siren in the 90s anime.
Nomenclature & Etymology[]
In the anime, Sailor Lead Crow used the pseudonym "Akane Karasuma". "Akane" (茜) means "madder," a shade of red, and "Karasu" (鴉) means "crow," making her name mean "red crow," a pun on "Lead Crow."
Sailor Lead Crow has long red hair going down to her hips, dark brown eyes, and tanned skin. On her forehead, she has a golden star with a black feather through it and her earrings are red triangles. She wears a brown one-piece bikini with a black corseted front, her sailor collar and boots share the same brown color. Her knickers are red and match the color of her choker, she has two black side panels that look like feathers attached to her bikini, and black feathers on her shoulders. Like the other Animamates, she wears the Galactica bracelets.
She mostly retains her manga appearance, with the exception of her large crow wings now omitted.
Sailor Lead Crow is shown to be dominant, driven and easily frustrated by failure, as well as cunning. However, she seems to have a soft side, as she and Aluminum Siren had a deep, respectful friendship under their rivalry.
Sailor Lead Crow appeared alongside Sailor Aluminum Siren as Sailor Galaxia was warning Sailor Iron Mouse that if she didn't find a true star seed soon, she would be disposed of. After Iron Mouse was killed by Galaxia for her constant failures, Lead Crow and Aluminum Siren took on Iron Mouse's responsibilities. Working under the pretense of being a talent agent for the Ginga TV station named Akane Karasuma, Lead Crow's job was to scout for potential Star Seeds and extract them with her partner, Sailor Aluminum Siren.
After Aluminum Siren was killed by Galaxia for failing to find the true star seed she had guaranteed. Sailor Tin Nyanko supported Galaxia's decision, claiming Aluminum Siren was lying about finding a true star seed. Lead Crow was forced to work with Tin Nyanko afterward. Unlike the partnership with Aluminum Siren, Lead Crow's partnership with Tin Nyanko was tense and sometimes hostile. Lead Crow was upstaged and humiliated at every turn by the new, overly ambitious partner. Tin Nyanko also had no hesitation in insulting Aluminum Seiren's memory. The two Animamates constantly argued with one another even in front of the bewildered Sailor Senshi. At one point, Tin Nyanko tied up Lead Crow so she could obtain a true star seed on her own.
Finally, Lead Crow found the solution to her problems: Aluminum Siren had written Sailor Moon's true identity in her diary. This led her to Juban Public High School, where she easily subdued the Senshi, confronted Sailor Moon and managed to extract her Star Seed after threatening to use a miniature black hole to devour the school. However, Tin Nyanko betrayed her, striking Lead Crow, causing her to drop the container holding the black hole, and it was unleashed in front of the Sailor Animamate. She, Usagi, and Chibi Chibi were sucked in. As she died, Sailor Tin Nyanko appeared to taunt her one last time. Before Lead Crow dies she apologies to Sailor Aluminium Siren but says she'll see her soon.
- Bracelets - Sailor Lead Crow could fire blasts from her bracelets that would remove a person's Star Seed.
- Whip - Sailor Lead Crow also carried a whip which she used once to physically attack the Sailor Senshi.
- In the anime, her wings are retractable, while in the original Manga, there is no indication that she is capable of doing this.
- Sailor Red Crow was her name in several overseas dubs.
- In the anime, she is the only animamate that was not killed by Galaxia, nor by having her bracelets removed.