Sailor Moon Wiki
Sailor Moon Wiki

Rubeus is an alien from Nemesis. Like Esmeraude, Saphir, Prince Demande, and the rest of the Black Moon Clan, he has a crescent moon symbol on his forehead. He has the power to fly, teleport and shoot powerful beams and bursts of dark energy. He is the leader of the Spectre Sisters. Unknown to them, he is just using them as pawns to do his work and has no concern for them but ironically, he ends being a pawn himself.


Rubeus has bright red hair, styled to look like a flame, and red eyes. Like all the Black Moon Clan, he has the black, upside-down crescent moon on his forehead and the black moon crystal earrings. He wears a brown leather vest, baggy pants with a camouflage-like design, black leather boots with laces, and a necklace with a stone pendant on it. The Materials' Collection describes that his skin is a bit darker than Saphir's or Demande's. He is also seen carrying a jacket with the same camouflage-like design as his pants, but he is never seen wearing the jacket.


In the manga, he kidnaps Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Jupiter but fails to capture Sailor Venus in after he was defeated by Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. He is loyal to Prince Demande, appearing with him to taunt the captured Sailor Moon. He realizes that there is more to Wiseman than what he sees and he is killed by Wiseman when he confronts him.


Rubeus almost showed, during his battle against Tuxedo Mask in Act 18, his fire powers, however, he was defeated by Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber. He is also able to communicate telepathically, making Calaveras repeat everything he talks about.



  • Rubeus’ name does not specifically mean ruby, but the word ruby derives from rubeus, the Latin word for red.
  • His rivalry with Esmeraude is similar to that between Nephrite and Zoisite.
  • He is the first main villain of the Black Moon Clan - aside from the Spectre Sisters - to be killed.
  • In the Materials Collection, he's described as very intense and a bit of a hot head.

Nega Moon Symbol