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Rubeus is a member of the Black Moon Clan from Nemesis and leader of the Spectre Sisters in the 90s anime.


Rubeus is a man with bright red hair, styled to look like a flame, and red eyes, and he has the black, upside-down crescent moon on his forehead. For clothes, he wears a brown leather vest, pants with a camouflage-like design, black leather boots with laces, and a necklace with a stone pendant on it, and the evil black crystal earrings. The Materials' Collection describes that his skin is a bit darker than Saphir's or Demande's. He is also seen carrying a jacket with the same camouflage-like design as his pants, but he is never seen wearing the jacket. Like Esmeraude, Saphir, Prince Demande, and the rest of the Black Moon Clan, he has a crescent moon symbol on his forehead.


In Sailor Moon R, Rubeus arrived from the future in a spaceship to find Chibiusa, who had also traveled into the past. He would send the four Spectre Sisters on missions to find her and the Silver Crystal and kill Sailor Moon.

He was also in charge of corrupting the present-day locations which would become the Crystal Points of Crystal Tokyo; the aim of this project was to disable the forcefield surrounding the city, although the Spectre Sisters failed to corrupt any of the Crystal Points thanks to the Sailor Senshi's intervention.

Sailor Moon eventually was able to heal the Spectre Sisters, causing Rubeus to use his trump card and try to capture Chibiusa. However, he failed and only the other Sailor Senshi were abducted. Sailor Moon and Chibiusa approached him on their own to regain their friends, though he used the opportunity to battle them. Rubeus took them both into space on his ship and fought Sailor Moon using a power amplifier to adjust the gravity of the ship and grant him other powers. Sailor Moon was able to stand at maximum gravity and fight Rubeus with Moon Princess Halation. While he was fighting her, Chibiusa tried to break his power amplifier. Rubeus tried to stop her but Sailor Moon attacked him again and he was forced to fight back with his energy blast, while Chibiusa broke the power amplifier, causing him to be thrown off hit by Sailor Moon's attack, freeing the other Sailor Senshi.

The attack caused a malfunction that would make the ship explode, but Rubeus was willing to die if he could take the Sailor Senshi with him . However, the Sailor Senshi were able to teleport out with Chibiusa. Afterward, Esmeraude appeared. He asked her to take him back to the future before his ship explodes, but Esmeraude ridiculed him, treating him like the Spectre Sisters he himself manipulated. She ridiculed him and toldhim that he had failed all three of his missions (kill the Sailor Senshi, Chibiusa (the "Rabbit"), and destroy the Silver Crystal). She then teleports away, deliberately leaving him to die as the ship explodes. When she informed Prince Demande about his death, she omitted the fact that she left him for dead.


He has the power to fly, teleport and shoot powerful beams and bursts of dark energy. He also has the power to launch explosive seed bombs which were powerful enough to almost kill Sailor Moon, which he seems to have a limitless supply of. (These were seen in Protect Chibi-Usa: Clash of the Ten Warriors). He also has numerous other powers granted thanks to his UFO, such as the ability to manipulate gravity and create cross-shaped constructs to bind the Sailor Senshi to, among others.

Rubeus also seems to be a strategist, as he controls the operations over Juuban, the Rabbit, the Silver Crystal, and the Sailor Senshi during his tenure. However, he was helped with these operations significantly by Wiseman.

He appears to have far weaker powers after his power modification crystal was broken, as Moon Princess Halation was easily powerful enough to slam him into a wall and nearly defeat him.



  • Rubeus’ name does not specifically mean ruby, but the word ruby derives from rubeus, the Latin word for red.
  • He is the first main villain of the Black Moon Clan to be killed.

Nega Moon Symbol