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Rikoukeidar is one of the Seven Great Youma. She first lived during Silver Millennium but was sealed by Queen Serenity into the Rainbow Crystal. She reincarnated in the modern day as Reika.


Rikoukeidaa is a pun on the Japanese terms 俐巧 (rikou), which means "intelligent" and 理工系 (rikoukei), translated to "science and technology."


Rikkoukeidar has olive green skin, yellow eyes, and yellow and red hair that falls down the right side of her head to her upper back. She wears an indigo strapless leotard, magenta boots, a monocle, and a gold armband.


She was trapped inside the Blue Rainbow Crystal and then reborn inside Motoki's girlfriend, Reika Nishimura. In episode 29, Zoisite extracts the crystal and transforms Reika into Rikoukeidar.

She attacked by throwing exploding vials and by using an item called Big Flask to catch and redirect attacks, such as Sailor Jupiter's Supreme Thunder. After her Big Flash was broken by Fire Soul, Sailor Moon healed Reika with Moon Healing Escalation, thus purifying her Youma form.

Endymion later attempted to re-awaken her, capturing Reika in the Black Crystal while she was in Africa; however, her form was never returned to life thanks to Sailor Mercury, who thwarted Endymion's efforts.



  • Rikoukeidar is one of the only two female Seven Great Youma, the other being Veena.
  • Rikoukeidar and Jiji are the two only Seven Great Youma who are reincarnations of a character that also appears in the manga.
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