Sailor Moon Wiki
Sailor Moon Wiki

Leo is a monster-of-the-day created by Nephrite who only appears in episode 19 of the anime.


A turquoise lion with a light pink mane and tail. It has large red eyes and tufts of light pink fur on the heels of each paw.


In the first anime, Nephrite consulted the stars and learned about Sailor Moon's weakness: her love for Tuxedo Mask. This gave him the idea to pose as Tuxedo Mask in order to lure Sailor Moon out. He then sent letters to all of the girls in the Azabu-Juuban area.

When Sailor Moon appeared at the Shinjuku MS Department Store in order to save Naru, Nephrite called on the power of the star Regulus, creating Leo from his namesake constellation.

He charged at Sailor Moon when Tuxedo Mask came to the rescue, though he appeared to be immune to Moon Tiara Action and was simply knocked back. Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask got into an elevator, only for it to be revealed that it was Nephrite's initial intention to trap them. Once this was accomplished, Nephrite recalled Leo.



  • Leo holds many distinctions as a monster-of-the-day. He is the only undefeated Monster-of-the-day, the first male and non-humanoid monster, one of only two of Nephrite's monsters-of-the-day not sent to collect energy (the other being Nephrite's Soul Shadow), as well as the first monster-of-the-day Moon Tiara Action was unable to kill. He is also the only monster-of-the-day that is not a Youma but is still from the Dark Kingdom.

Dark Kingdom Wording