Sailor Moon Wiki
Sailor Moon Wiki

Queen Metalia is a malignant, amorphous dark energy being, and was the leader of the Dark Kingdom in Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal.


Queen Metalia appears as a dark purple shadow creature with glowing eyes and red mouth and a bright reddish-purple diamond-shaped object on the forehead.


Season 1[]

Queen Metalia first appears in Act 7, where Queen Beryl gives her human energy. She talks to her about getting hold of the Silver Crystal. She is Beryl's secret true master, confidant, and advisor. Queen Metalia's second appearance is in Act 10, where she tells Beryl to get rid of Tuxedo Mask, although she convinces her not to, saying he can still be useful. Queen Metalia wants feeds on human energy and wants to obtain the Silver Crystal. She was sealed away by the Moon Kingdom until Queen Beryl released her in the present. She is a creature that devours the life energy of all the creatures on the planet. She generates darkness and turns everything into rock. The mark on her forehead leads to her destruction. The Inner Sailor Senshi try to stop Queen Metalia by using their transformation pens, but they lose their lives. She is destroyed when Usagi, with the help of the Silver Crystal, Mamoru, the Holy Sword, and the other Inner Senshi.

Season 5[]

It is revealed that Queen Metalia, like Wiseman, Pharaoh 90, and Queen Nehellenia, was an incarnation of Chaos.


Dark Kingdom Wording