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Pharaoh 90 is a universal entity of pure evil from the Tau Nebula, the power source of the impending Silence and Daimons, and the main antagonist of Sailor Moon S. It is the true leader of the Death Busters.


Pharaoh 90’s appearance in the anime is extremely different from its appearances in both the manga and crystal versions. It appears as a massive planet-like orb of black energy with black tentacles. It doesn’t have any eyes and mostly growls and groans. It has the ability to produce an enormous hole in its core through which it can fire its attacks.


Pharaoh 90 wanted nothing more than to bring the Silence to Earth, a destructive force which nothing could stand against. It was his hope that the Earth would be destroyed and he would be summoned by the Holy Grail.

Pharaoh 90 also had a manipulative and cruel streak, manipulating Professor Tomoe into allowing Germatoid to possess him and Mistress 9 into Hotaru. He was also cold and cared little for his followers; he seemed to show no emotion at all when Mistress 9 was heavily wounded by one of his energy blasts.


Pharaoh 90 was the one who provided Professor Tomoe with Mistress 9's Daimon pod and had the demon Germatoid possess Tomoe when he and his six-year-old daughter Hotaru Tomoe were caught in a lab explosion. Pharaoh 90's plan was for Professor Tomoe to collect Pure Heart Crystals to fully revitalize and awaken Mistress 9, the Messiah of Silence, and for her to obtain the Holy Grail so she could summon it. Once this came to pass, Pharaoh 90 began using the Silence to destroy everyone and everything in existence.

After she erases Mistress 9, Hotaru transforms into Sailor Saturn, uses her power to enter Pharaoh 90 and destroys it by attacking his core. Sailor Moon, frustrated because she was unable to stop Sailor Saturn from sacrificing her own life to destroy Pharaoh 90 once and for all, was able to transform into Super Sailor Moon by producing a Pure Heart that surpasses the Holy Grail. With the power of the other Sailor Senshi and the power of her Pure Heart, she entered Pharaoh 90 at the last minute, joining Saturn's strongest destructive attack on the evil entity, resulting in its annihilation.


Pharaoh 90 emitted a giant destructive beam from space when attacked from Earth. This was powerful enough to cancel out Moon Cosmic Power.

After being summoned by the Holy Grail, he unleashed wide and heavily destructive beams of energy that left gaping holes in the Earth's surface in multiple directions. It is unknown if these were an attack or part of his body.

It's also implied that Pharaoh 90 itself is the Silence that was mentioned to be brought about all season.



  • Pharaoh 90 has the shortest final battle with Super Sailor Moon, which mainly consists of her transforming, entering him, and destroying him alongside a newly awakened Sailor Saturn.
  • Pharaoh 90 had no dialogue during its appearance in the anime. However, there were screeching sound effects and howling wind present during its scenes.
    • In the CWi English dub, however, it did have one line, when Sailor Saturn was inside him: Who's there? Where are you?
  • It is the last of the true/final antagonists to be destroyed, as Queen Nehelenia is resealed inside her mirror and later turned into a child and leaves Earth and Chaos returned to everyone's hearts after Princess Serenity healed Galaxia.
  • Pharaoh 90 is the second and final true antagonist to use and manipulate the main antagonist into willingly working for and obeying it.
