Motoki Furuhata is a young man who worked at Game Center Crown. He was a recurring character early in the series, especially during the first season.
Motoki is fairly tall and has orange to blonde hair with green eyes. He usually wears a white long-sleeved shirt, blue jeans and orange shoes with an apron while at work.
Motoki is usually seen as a friendly and polite individual in the series. He can frequently be seen (in earlier episodes especially) giving advice to Usagi related to the episode's plot, such as convincing her not to go on a dangerous diet. He seems to care for Usagi greatly (albeit platonically it appears), and he occasionally shows a protective side for others. Based on what has been portrayed, he appears to hate having his friends in danger or troubled, and will try to help them in any way he can. He is particularly close with Mamoru and was able to tell at one point when Mamoru was depressed, encouraging him to open up.
Motoki also has a serious side, which can be seen in episodes such as when he defended his girlfriend Reika from Zoisite, who surrounded them in a ring of fire.
Sailor Moon[]
Motoki is a crush of Usagi and Makoto who works at the Game Center Crown, the arcade Usagi visits frequently. In the anime, he is referred to as Motoki-onii-san by Usagi. He is also best friends with Mamoru, as they are students at the same college. He treats the Sailor Senshi nicely, thinking of them like little sisters, though he was aware that they were attracted to him. His girlfriend is Reika Nishimura and has a younger sister named Unazuki Furuhata.
Motoki's main role in the series was to be one of Usagi's two crushes along with Tuxedo Mask. She was shown to love them equally and had visions of marriage with both. Makoto also had a crush on Motoki.
Throughout the series, the Game Center Crown was a popular hangout place for Usagi. There she would always meet Motoki.
Eventually, Usagi's love shifted completely towards only Tuxedo Mask, after she regained memories of her past as the Moon Princess with Prince Endymion/Tuxedo Mask. It was also revealed that Motoki was actually already dating another woman, Reika Nishimura. Speaking of Reika, before Usagi regained her memories, both she and Makoto were sad to find out Motoki was already dating someone.
Motoki himself doesn't appear in the second to last episode but one of the DD girls use her illusions to pretend to be him, which ended up luring Sailor Jupiter.
Sailor Moon R[]
Motoki appeared significantly less often than season one from this season on, because of the established love relationship between Usagi and Mamoru. He made only one appearance in Sailor Moon R, when Mamoru asked him for some advice. In that episode, it was revealed he had a sister, whom Usagi mistakenly thought was Mamoru's new girlfriend.
Sailor Moon S[]
Motoki appeared in A Handsome Boy? Haruka Tenoh’s Secret, where he was shown hanging out with Minako, who was telling him a funny story and not minding her lack of studious goals; however, he changes his mind when hearing Minako get proverbs wrong. Later in the episode, he comments on Haruka and Michiru being around a lot lately, prompting Usagi and Minako to meet the aforementioned women.
Sailor Moon SuperS[]
Motoki had several appearances in this season. In episode 129, it was revealed that Motoki and his old girlfriend Reika were experiencing romantic relationship problems and does not want to talk about it. They eventually got back together in the end. His last appearance of the whole series was where he goes confused and shocked seeing his sister Unazuki helping Sailor Chibi Moon gain power to the Golden Crystal.
- In the DiC English dub, he is named Andrew and did not receive a surname, but in Mixx 'Sailor Moon the Novels' novelizations, he was given the surname Foreman. In the Sailor Moon Collectible Card Game, he retained his Japanese surname and was called Andrew Furuhata.
- In episode 29 of the anime, Motoki told Makoto that his favorite food was hayashi rice.
- Initially, Usagi questioned whether he was Tuxedo Mask in episode 13.
- After Usagi fell in love with Mamoru, she seemed to get over her crush on Motoki for the most part.