Sailor Moon Wiki
Sailor Moon Wiki

Mitsuaami is the 1st Youma created by Kunzite. She was created when Kunzite transformed Kariko Tokoyama and several other workers of the hair salon into one monster.

Nomenclature and Etymology[]

Her name is a pun of "三つ編み," (Mittsuami) meaning "braid in three strands."



Kunzite brainwashed Kariko and the others in an attempt to find out who Sailor Moon really was, but when Minako got some of Usagi's hair on her hair, Mitsuami mistook her for Sailor Moon. Her attacks involved using a deadly blowdryer, a sprayer that shoots scissors, a razor that was like a chainsaw, and a nail file. She was eventually healed by Sailor Moon, turning her back into the several people she was created from.


She had a hair-dryer which evaporated and incinerated anything it touched, as well as a scissor-shooting gun, and a razor-chainsaw.



  • Mitsuami the only singular Youma to be created from multiple people. However, Zoyrin Geller were separate Youma created from multiple people as well.
Dark Kingdom Wording