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Kotono Sarashina is a student at T.A. Girls' Academy in the manga and crystal. She is the older sister of Kyuusuke Sarashina and classmate of Rei Hino.


The kanji in Kotono's family name means "change" or "replace" (更) and "section" or "department" (科). The kanji in her given name refers to a "koto" or "Japanese harp" (琴), with "no" (乃) having several meanings.



Like many of the students at T·A, she seemed to admire Rei Hino.


Kotono is a student at T.A. Girls' Academy and is the president of the school's Supernatural Research Club. Her club has its own stand at her school's festival in act 15 and she recruits Rei Hino as a fortune teller for it.

During the school festival, there is another club with a fortune teller and she brings Rei to investigate. Koan, the fortune teller, is predicting the date of death of her visitors and promising salvation if they join the Black Moon. Rei and Kotono go to report the situation to the Nuns and encounter Droids in disguise instead. As these fake nuns burst into flames, Kotono faints from shock.

Later, she tells everyone about the aliens' deeds and worries about her friends.

In Act 18, Calaveras uses Kotono to bring back the spirits of the defeated Spectre Sisters along with Naru Osaka and Ittou Asanuma.

Her parents run a Soba Noodle Restaurant. Kotono's brother, Kyuusuke, is very proud of the Sailor V pin she made for him in Chibiusa's Picture Diary Chapter 1. He attends Juban Public Elementary School with Chibiusa. After he and Chibiusa are saved by Sailor V and Sailor Moon, she makes a Sailor Moon pin and Kyuuske gifts it to Chibiusa.



  • She has the same first name as Usagi's voice actress: Kotono Mitsuishi.
  • She is one of the few named civilians in the manga who does not appear in any capacity in the 90s anime.