Kaolinite is a commander of the Death Busters. She commands the Witches 5 and acts as principal to Mugen Academy.
Nomenclature & Etymology[]
Kaolinite is named after a mineral of the same name.
The kanji in her alias' surname translates to "black" (黒, Kuro) and "peak" or "ridge" (峰, Mine). Her given name, Kaori, comes from the Romanized form of "Kaolinite". It also means "fragrance" or "aroma"
Kaolinite has long red hair, and wears a black dress with black heels and gray stockings, and wears a necklace with a black pendant. When she turned into a Daimon, most of her human features were destroyed, leaving a monster with black skin and glowing red eyes and sharp claws, though she retained her red hair.
Kaolinite was originally a normal human named Kaori Kuromine who worked for Professor Tomoe. While both were working on saving Hotaru's life by restoring her body, Kaori was attacked and forcibly implanted with a Daimon Egg through her forehead by Master Pharaoh 90 who entered Earth via a chaotic storm. The evil entity gave Kaori the title of Magus after she turned evil and swore her loyalty to him. She was first seen talking before a shadowy mist, whom she calls "Pharaoh 90" and assures it that nothing will go wrong in their goals to dominate the Earth. She commanded the Witches 5 to gather souls to sacrifice to Pharaoh 90 and use the bodies as empty vessels to house Daimons, with the promise that whoever succeeded would gain the status of Magus. She strived to become Pharaoh 90's partner on Earth, but when Mistress 9 emerged from Hotaru, she had no choice but to follow her commands. Kaolinite prepared for the Sailor Guardians' arrival by resurrecting the Witches 5 to confront them. After the Inner Sailor Guardians were rescued by the Outer Sailor Guardians, they all confronted Kaolinite at the principal's office in Mugen Academy. Kaolinite transformed herself into a Daimon and attacked the Guardians, but was destroyed by Super Sailor Moon.
Being of Magus status, she is one of the few members of the Death Busters who could communicate with Pharaoh 90 directly. As a Magus, she had an incredible control of magic, using the fountain on the roof of Mugen Academy as a water mirror to spy.
She could use candles and spells to revive her slain adversaries to fight the guardians.
As a Daimon, Kaolinite had increased speed and strength, and was quite a match for anyone other than Super Sailor Moon.