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Ironder is a Daimon who briefly appears in a flashback at the beginning of Episode 16 of Sailor Moon S having been created from a clothing iron.


She was a rather buff Daimon, having toned muscles on her entire body with red-pink skin. She was shown to have black crew cut hair and wear a purple sports bra, wristbands, with her crotch seeming to take the form of an iron (with the handle in the back). She also wore purple iron-shaped high heels.


Ironder is not the main Daimon in her debut episode, but appears in a flashback at the start of the episode I Want Power: Mako Lost in Doubt. Not much is known about her other than that she fought the Sailor Senshi and overpowered Sailor Jupiter. Sailor Jupiter's Sparkling Wide Pressure was ineffective, causing her to doubt her strength. Afterward, she was destroyed by Sailor Moon's Moon Spiral Heart Attack. This prompted Makoto to go on a journey to train, in hopes that she could become stronger.



  • She was the second Daimon to have physically toned muscles, the first being Cenicienta.