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"Invitation to Terror: Usagi's Night Flight" is the 22nd episode of the 5th and final season of the 90's Sailor Moon anime, and the 188th overall. It aired in Japan on October 12, 1996.


Sailor Aluminum Siren is running out of time to bring the true Star Seed to Sailor Galaxia, so she makes a bold move and invites Usagi to a flight to fight over Usagi's star seed. Forced to intervene, Seiya, Yaten, and Taki transform become Sailor Starlights. Ami, Rei, Makoto, and Minako all then reveal their identities as Super Sailor Soldiers as well.


International Dub Titles[]

  • Brazilian Portuguese: Um Convite ao Terror ("An Invitation to Terror")
  • European Portuguese: Convite ao Terror! ("Invitation to Terror!")
  • French:
    • VOSTFR: Invitation à la terreur ! Vol de nuit pour Usagi. ("Invitation to terror! Night Flight for Usagi")
    • VF: Invitation à la terreur ! Vol de nuit pour Bunny. ("Invitation to terror! Night Flight for Bunny")
  • German: Die Geheimnisse werden gelüftet ("The Secrets will be Revealed")


Changes from the Manga[]

Dub Changes[]

First Appearances[]



  • This was the only episode that featured the Three Lights' song "Unfulfilled Thought: My Friend's Love" even though a high-pitched instrumental version played in earlier episodes. It played when Usagi and her friends revealed their Super and Eternal Senshi identities.
  • The first and only episode in the entire season, where a Sailor Animamate created a phage to help with her evil plan.
  • The movie displayed in flight was the movie being filmed in episode 183.
  • The Three Lights' identity as Sailor Starlights' were found out by Eternal Sailor Moon, as well as the ones of the Inner Super Sailor Senshi.