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Sailor Moon Wiki

Sakiko is a little girl who appears in the 20th episode of the 90's Sailor Moon anime. She is a child with strong psychic powers forced to relentlessly train them under her Father.


She is a small child with purple eyes and dark hair. She wears a purple cloak with a white hood and at the end of the episode she wears a red one piece swimsuit with a yellow ribbon.


Sakiko is a child who has a demanding father. He wants her to be a powerful psychic and makes her train hard even though she doesn't really want to. She lives at a hotel along with her Father and the hotel's guests. Her Father has her train her psychic powers and uses guests to test them. The staff are unaware of what she is capable of and still do not know after the Sailor Senshi leave.

Usagi, Rei, Luna and Ami first see her when they are close to her Father's hotel. She is picking flowers and appears wearing a cloak during lightning scaring Usagi. It starts raining and she leads the girls to the hotel. Once they arrive they are greeted by the staff and her father appears and doesn't want her interacting with them.

While Usagi and the girls are eating, her father hypnotizes her and she summons a ghost which scares the girls and the staff. The next day she watches the three girls from afar as they play on the beach but they do not see her. That evening Ami speaks to her and she tells her she was watching them and knew their names. She admits to being a loner and Ami encourages her to spend time with them but her Father drags her away warning her not to speak to strangers. Her father does not want her talking to them and is focused on her training. Her Father thinks he knows best as he wants to use her to show up people who doubted him as Ami spies on them.

Her Father hypnotizes her again and has her summon a ghost to drive off the girls and it attacks them but also him. The ghost feeds on her resentment of her father forcing her to train. The Senshi transform but they can't stop it and when Ami wakes her up the ghost is still active and attacks everyone despite her wanting it to stop. She protects her father from it with a strong psychic blast destroying it.

Her Father apologizes to her and the Senshi. The next day, she plays on the beach with Luna and the girls and her father promises the staff they'll never see a ghost there again.


Sakiko is a powerful psychic, like Rei. She has telekinesis and other psionic powers. They are strengthened through her father's hypnosis. While awake, she uses these powers to destroy her rampaging ghost.



  • The ghost she summons is the first "monster of the week" which has nothing to do with the Dark Kingdom.