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"Defeat Rubeus: The Battle in Space" is the 28th episode of the 2nd season of the Sailor Moon anime and the 74th episode overall. It aired in Japan on November 13, 1993. The DiC English dub title for this episode is "Rubeus Strikes Out" and it aired in North America on December 1, 1998.


Rubeus captures Sailor Moon while she tries to save the other Sailor Guardians and she ends up battling Rubeus alone.


With much of the Sailor Guardians abducted by Rubeus, he gives an ultimatum: Usagi must turn the Silver Crystal and Chibiusa over to him, or he'll kill the prisoners. Hiding in an alley, Usagi tries to fight back a sense of utter futility and great loss.

On Rubeus's spaceship hideout, Esmeraude appears before Rubeus and scolds him for not killing the "Rabbit" at the opportune moment. Determined, Rubeus shows his trump card: The captured Sailor Guardians, trapped on crosses, unable to move or speak.

Back at Mamoru's apartment, Chibiusa had returned Usagi her brooch but is guilt-ridden for her actions. she also wonders why her key didn't return her home. Mamoru tries to speak with her, but Chibiusa only cries as she wanted to save her mother. On the news, reports of a UFO baffle Tokyo. Desperate, Usagi decides to sacrifice everything to save her friends by heading out alone. Luna and Artemis plan to fool Rubeus with a false Silver Crystal and false Chibiusa but it flops in their dream. By the time Mamoru finds out, both Usagi and Chibiusa have disappeared.

Now transformed, Sailor Moon arrives in the streets and Rubeus calls her and Chibiusa who is beside her. They are sucked into the UFO with Mamoru and the cats fearing for the worse.

On the spaceship, Sailor Moon is horrified to see her fellow Sailor Guardians trapped on the crosses and unresponsive. The Moon Sailor Guardians then tries to fool Rubeus saying that Chibiusa is just her cousin. As the spaceship goes back into space, the red-haired villain doesn't buy the lie.

Sailor Moon attempts her Moon Princess Halation but it fails as the gravity is suddenly altered, forcing her to the floor. He also sets the gravity to reverse, sending Sailor Moon flying into the ceiling. Chibiusa tries in sadness to free the other Sailor Guardians but is hit by an invisible barrier that cannot be broken through. After being grounded, Sailor Moon shows determination by withstanding the gravity and fires another Moon Princess Halation at Rubeus who fires Black Energy Beam.

Chibiusa sees where Rubeus is getting his power and tries to pry the black crystal from its resting place. As Sailor Moon is blown back Rubeus corners the pink-haired girl, just as the Moon and the Sailor Guardians recovers and fires another blast. Chibiusa also concentrates and loosens the Black Crystal, weakening Rubeus who is blown back, making the spaceship crumble and freeing the Sailor Guardians who are confused as to what happened earlier. The battered Sailor Moon happily reunites with her friends.

Rubeus interrupts the reunion as the spaceship is only moments away from exploding and decides to accept his fate to die in the explosion along with his enemies.

With the spaceship going up in a fire, Sailor Mercury insists on teleportation. Sailor Mars fears that because Sailor Moon expended her energy fighting Rubeus, they will never make it home, but Mercury hopes to give whatever energy they have left in hopes of making it back home. Eventually, the Sailor Senshi teleport off the ship with Chibiusa. Rubeus emerges from the flames and pleads with Esmeraude to get him back to the future. Esmeraude, however, slaps his hand with her hand, and since Rubeus failed constantly, she decides to leave him. Rubeus screams in anguish for help and is blown up along with his spaceship.

Back in Tokyo, the Sailor Guardians cheer at their safe return. Chibiusa also asks for Usagi to make pancakes.

Meanwhile on the planet Nemesis in the future, Esmeraude informs Prince Dimande of Rubeus' failure, then her superior advises her to not repeat their failure's mistakes.

International Dub Titles[]

  • Brazilian Portuguese: Derrote Rubeus: A Batalha Decisiva no Espaço ("Defeat Rubeus: The Decisive Battle in Space")
  • European Portuguese: Luta no Espaço ("Space Fight")
  • French: Un sauvetage risqué ("A Risky Rescue")
  • German: Gefahr im Weltraum ("Danger in Space")


Changes from the manga[]

  • Rubeus is killed by Wiseman and dies after Esmeraude.
  • Sailor Moon frees the Sailor Guardians (except Venus, who was not captured) when she was taken prisoner to Nemesis. She used her power to free them, damaging the planet and teleporting them all to Crystal Tokyo.

Dub Changes[]

  • All shots of the Sailor Guardians hanging from crosses are cut from the English dub, and they were not seen in full until after they were freed by Chibiusa.
  • Sailor Moon hitting Chibiusa on the head was cut from the dub.
  • Esmeraude smacking Rubeus' hand with her fan before his death was cut from the dub.

First Appearances[]

  • Prince Demande



  • In the DiC dub, Sailor Moon calls her attack "Moon Scepter Activation" instead of "Moon Scepter Elimination" from this episode until the end of the season.