Cyprine and Ptilol were the 5th members of the Witches 5. According to the Materials Collection, the two of them were one twin, but when they fight Ptilol would split away from Cyprine. She is a level 999 witch and the most powerful member of the Witches 5. She also taught the witch training class at Mugen Academy.
Nomenclature & Etymology[]
Cyprine's name comes from the silicate mineral "cyprine", which is a bluish variety of vesuvianite. The word "cyprine" itself is derived from "Kypros" (Κύπρος), the Greek word for "copper," which gives the mineral its blue color.
Cyprine has blue hair and blue eyes. Her hairstyle looks similar to Ptilol's hairstyle with the only the differences being the position of the bun/braid and the color of the hair. She wears a black dress with blue shapes near the top, her dress has a blue underskirt, matching blue tights and slightly darker blue boots. She has many ribbons on her outfit and has a clove-shaped red earring.
Cyprine and Ptilol were summoned by Kaolinite to kill the students that had escaped Mugen Academy. After an unsuccessful attack on Haruka, the two used their powers to manipulate the feelings of the Sailor Guardians into attacking each other. They were finally killed by Super Sailor Moon with her Rainbow Moon Heartache attack.
She is brought back with the other Witches 5 by Kaolinite and is destroyed by the Outer Sailor Guardians.
In the manga, she had the power to manipulate the feelings of people. She could manipulate the weather to cause hail storms. She used an attack called Ribbon Buster, which released a tangle of ribbons that seemed to cause pain to her enemies when the ribbons touched them.
She had the ability to hypnotize a large number of people, bringing them to Mugen Academy to surrender their Pure Heart Crystals. She was also able to levitate and transport the Sailor Guardians into a pocket dimension. Using her staff, she could fire projectiles at the Senshi, as well as absorb their attack, allowing her and Ptilol to increase their power.
Like the other Witches 5, she is capable of flying in the air and can also move at a quick speed. She is the strongest of the Witches 5, able to use a strong blast, Ribbon Buster, and take on the three Outer Sailor Senshi. She also has strong powers of mind control and is able to summon a hail storm, using it as a way to reap souls and bring victims under her control. She is also able to take on the full force of Moon Spiral Heart Attack and survive, without needing to create a barrier of some kind.
- Cyprine is the only witch who did not pose as a student of Mugen Academy.
- In the Nakayoshi character poll for the Infinity arc, Cyprine was ranked at Place 35.
- In the Materials' Collection, Cyprine was said to lead in battle while Ptilol fell back.
- Cyprine and Ptilol may be the Witches 5 Counterpart of Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon.
- Cyprine, in both the manga and the anime, was the only member of the Witches 5 who did not disguise herself as a civilian.
- She and Mimete are the only members of the Witches 5 to actually use the Witches 5 staff.
- She is Ranked at level 999 witch being the most powerful member of the Witches 5.