The "Cutie Moon Rod" or just "Moon Rod" is the weapon used by Sailor Moon to perform Moon Princess Halation. Others use it as well and it appears in the manga, anime, crystal, and many Sera Myu.
In the anime, it was given to Usagi by Queen Serenity. Sailor Moon pulls out the Cutie Moon Rod from behind her in episode 75. The Cutie Moon Rod made its last appearance in the first episode of the third season when Mikuuji knocked it out of Sailor Moon's hands after she unsuccessfully tried to use Moon Princess Halation on the Daimon. The fate of the Cutie Moon Rod after that is unknown, as it was never shown or mentioned again. In Episode 91, she received a new and much stronger weapon: the Spiral Heart Moon Rod.
It was used twice in the first movie of the 90s anime: Sailor Moon R-The Movie.
Manga and Crystal[]
In the manga and in Sailor Moon Crystal, although Sailor Moon believed that it was created from the love between her and Tuxedo Mask after he protected her from her reflected Moon Tiara Boomerang, Luna internally calls it "Queen Serenity's Scepter", revealing that the queen had wielded it during the era of Silver Millennium. With the Cutie Moon Rod, Sailor Moon uses Moon Princess Halation to kill Koan and continues to use it until the final battle of the Black Moon arc.
The rod itself also elongates when Sailor Moon uses Moon Princess Halation.
Neo-Queen Serenity gave her Cutie Moon Rod to Sailor Chibi Moon during the final battle with Death Phantom, so that she could join and fight alongside Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask near Nemesis. The two scepters combined powers and easily obliterated Death Phantom with a stronger Moon Princess Halation but the two scepters shattered in the process.
- In the DiC English dub it was called the Moon Scepter, but in the DiC dub of Sailor Moon R: Promise of the Rose, it was referred to as the Cutie Moon Rod).
- In the original manga and Sailor Moon Crystal, it was called the Moon Rod.
- In the 90's anime, the Rod was pink with three gold stars, a red jewel at the bottom, and gold wings. At the top with a red sphere inside a gold crescent moon, above which sat a tiny crown. In the second anime, the rod had the only star, the jewel was pink at the bottom, and the wings were white. At the top was a pink sphere and the crescent moon was gold like the first anime which also had a small crown.