Sailor Moon Wiki
Sailor Moon Wiki

The Boule Brothers: Chiral and Achiral are minions summoned by Esmeraude of the Black Moon Clan.

Nomenclature & Etymology[]

They are both named after the principle of Chirality. "Chiral" objects cannot be superimposed upon their own mirror images (such as a left and right hand) while ones which are non-chiral are called "achiral." A "boule" is a block of synthetically produced crystal material.

Most of their lines of dialog, along with their own names, reference concepts found in freshmen level university Chemistry courses. This includes: enantomers, isomers, reactions, side chains, chirality centers, and atoms. Naoko Takeuchi earned a degree in Chemistry before she started working on Manga full time and these two are likely heavily inspired by her time as a student.


Chiral has lighter hair and skin, while Achiral has darker hair and skin. Chiral wears a blue shirt, and Achiral wears a white shirt.


In the Manga, they were Esmeraude's underlings. The two participated in Code: 005, Operation: Remake and ambushed the protagonists when they first arrived in Crystal Tokyo. The brothers trapped Sailor Moon, Chibiusa, Sailor Venus, Tuxedo Mask, and even Luna-P within a fake Crystal Palace which they consider their masterpiece. While trapped, Esmeraude tried to demand the Silver Crystal from Chibiusa and sentenced the Senshi to death by the brother's chemical reactions when she refused. Esmeraude abandoned them when Tuxedo Mask broke the crystal everyone was trapped in. The brothers were killed with the team effort of Sailor Venus' Venus Love-Me Chain and Tuxedo Mask's Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber.


They create a fake Crystal Palace which lures in the protagonists and then trap them in a crystal which renders them immobile until Mamoru breaks it with his will.


  • Luna and Artemis are not shown being trapped by the brothers in the manga even though Luna-P is and are absent from all of the manga panels of the battle even though they are drawn just before they arrive and after their deaths. They are shown trapped with the others in the corresponding Crystal episode however.


Nega Moon Symbol