An (also known by the name of her human disguise, Natsumi Ginga) is one of the two main antagonists during the Makai Tree arc of the 2nd season of the 90's anime. She, alongside Ail, temporarily take residence on Earth during the season.
In her normal alien form, An has dark, hot pink eyes, light green skin (like most traditional aliens are), blue lipstick and long light pink hair with some blue highlights. She wears a bodysuit similar to Ail's with heels. The highlights in her hair are the same color as Ail's hair, while his highlights share the color of An's hair.
In her human form as Natsumi Ginga, she has light peach skin, red hair that falls just past her shoulders, and brown eyes.
An, despite being in love with Mamoru, fell in love with him at first sight, and seems to develop an obsession with romancing him. This aspect of her character, like Ail's, reveals that she believes that love should be taken by force, as she ignores Mamoru's discomfort with her presence and persists on dating him, despite the fact that she is in a relationship with Ail.
Despite her continued attempts to flirt with Mamoru, she is very critical of Ail when he similarly attempts to romance Usagi and other women, becoming vehement and jealous. In this state, An gets irritable extremely quickly and will become vengeful and seek out revenge, even if this isn't the fault or if Ail is simply speaking to another girl casually; this can best be seen in Is Seijuro the Moonlight Knight? Mako Falls in Love, where she stalks them while they're conversing at a playground and in a fit of jealous rage, steps on Makoto's homemade lunch.
An also appears to be rather vain; she seems to believe she and Ail are superior to humans and condescends on those that differ from her views, particularly Makoto and Usagi. She also doesn't appear to have a strong sense of empathy and shows little remorse for the suffering of others.
An along with Ail came from an alien planet, whose beings depended on the Makai Tree for life. It was the tree that gave life to all the aliens, An included. All the aliens on the planet eventually got greedy and fought over the tree among themselves. Ail along with An became the only survivors of their race. The tree relocated to earth, in the hope to teach its children love over greed.
Sailor Moon R[]
Ail and An invade Earth to drain energy for the Makai Tree from humans. An takes the form of a human girl, Natsumi, and attends Juban Public Middle School.
An has a crush on Mamoru Chiba but keeps this from Ail and thinks of herself as a romantic rival to Usagi throughout her story arc.
In episode 1, Seijuro and Natsumi pass Mamoru on the sidewalk then, and Natsumi, suddenly smitten, follows after him. As she walks, though, she suddenly feels faint and collapses, saying that she needs energy, but Mamoru continues to walk away - clueless to what is going on around him.
In episode 2, Natsumi spot Mamoru carrying a number of boxes and papers, and discover that Mamoru works for the TV station where they have set up a plan to steal more energy. An helps Ail with the Cardian plan, but grows tired of his apparently pleasure in other women screaming and leaves. She chases after Mamoru, but when Natsumi realizes she is losing energy, she walks into a waiting room and steals the energy of Mikan Shiratori in order to continue her search.
In episode 3, Natsumi is trying to get Mamoru to take her on a date when Seijuro butts in.
In episode 7, after being convinced Usagi and Mamoru had a baby, she shows up at Mamoru's apartment to look after the baby Manami like Usagi had been after learning the truth. However, Manami dislikes An and pees on her face twice, which causes her to leave in disgust.
In episode 10, when the Sailor Senshi were arguing over who is going to play Snow White in the play, An had them all draw strings and cheated so that she was Snow White since Mamoru was Prince Charming and An wanted to kiss him so he would fall in love with her. However, the play was crashed by Ail and Cardian Bipierrot.
In episode 11, An complained about poetry and spoke of it in an alien language when Miss Haruna asked her to read a poem, so she got detention with Usagi. She began losing energy, so she continuously attempted to steal Usagi's energy and finally succeeded. However, Usagi was still able to destroy Ail's disobedient Cardian, Amanju.
In episode 13, Ail and An had fought the Sailor Senshi, but An protected Mamoru from the Makai Tree. Though Ail soon came to realize that what they were doing was wrong, An initially did not, nor did she realize the true power of love, until the Makai Tree tried to kill Ail. An had sacrificed herself to save him, being impaled by its branches. After the Makai Tree explained to everyone that it was never evil, and needed love energy to survive, the Makai Tree brought An back to life. Together Ail and An, who have rekindled their love by learning what love truly means, left to start a new peaceful life with the healed and revitalized Tree of Life.
- The names Ail and An together are a pun on the word "alien."
- Her name in the DiC English dub is Anne.
- In the DiC English dub, Ail and An were associated with the Negaverse; coming to Earth after hearing of it from Queen Beryl, while in the original Japanese anime, they were a completely new enemy that isn't even confirmed to know about the Dark Kingdom's existence.
- She and Ail were the second and third main villains to be reformed, respectively, the first being Nephrite; she and Ail were the first reformed main villains not to be killed, however.