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"Act 48 Dream 10 - Princess Dream" is the 48th chapter of the Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon manga series and the 10th chapter of the Dream arc. It was written and illustrated by Naoko Takeuchi.


As the Queen of the Dead Moon becomes more powerful, the Sailor Senshi learn more about the past and attain new powers.


Nehellenia appears before the Sailor Senshi in her mirror. She indicates that she had known Queen Serenity during the Silver Millenium and will take claim over the Moon Kingdom again. Usagi tries to destroy Nehellenia with Moon Gorgeous Meditation but her power is reflected off the mirror and they become trapped by the Queen. The Sailor Senshi are shown a vision of the past life when Princess Serenity was just an infant. In the room was a mirror that appeared similar to Nehellenia's mirror.

In the flashback, the people of the Silver Millennium are all at a party to celebrate the birth of Princess Serenity. Young Inner Sailor Guardians arrive and and pledge to protect the young princess who will one day be Queen. However, Nehellenia appears to the celebration, uninvited. She appeared from the darkness within the moon, as the darkness to Queen Serenity's light. Her darkness began to enlarge, and Queen Serenity used the Silver Crystal to seal Nehellenia into the mirror, but not before Nehellenia cast a curse: that Princess Serenity would never live to ascend to the throne (a prophecy fulfilled when the Princess died during the Dark Kingdom's attack on the Moon).

In the present, Nehellenia steals the Silver Crystal from Sailor Moon. Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon begin to submit to the curse cast on Earth when Nehellenia invaded Elysion. However, Tuxedo Mask gives his power to Sailor Moon and she is able to retrieve the Silver Crystal from Nehellenia and free all of them. Sailor Moon's power grows and she summons the Holy Moon Chálice for the first time. This causes the Sailor Senshi take on their princess forms, while Luna, Artemis, and Diana take on human forms. The Sailor Princesses meet their Sailor Power Guardians who beckon them to lend the power of their castles to the Holy Moon Chálice. With its power, Usagi takes on a new, more powerful form: Eternal Sailor Moon.

First Appearances[]
